Operating Instructions
following instructions also apply when operating an
alternating current power generator set.
Observe the engine oil pressure gage immediately
after starting the engine. If there is no oil pressure
1. Before the first start, check the generator main
indicated within 10 to 15 seconds, stop the engine and
bearing oil reservoir. If necessary, add sufficient
check the engine lubricating system.
lubricating oil, of the same grade as used in the engine
crankcase, to bring it to the proper level on the sight
If the oil pressure is observed to be normal, increase
the throttle setting to cause the engine to run at its
synchronous speed.
2. Check the interior of the generator for dust or
172 kPa maximum). If there is moisture on the interior
of the generator, it must be dried before the set is
After the engine is warmed up (or the oil pressure has
started. Refer to the appropriate Delco Products
stabilized) prepare the generator set for load as
Maintenance bulletin.
3. The air shut-off valve located in the air inlet
1. Bring the engine up to the rated speed.
housing must be in the open or reset position.
2. Turn the instrument switch to the desired position.
4. Refer to Fig. 1 and place the circuit breaker in the
off position.
3. Turn the voltage regulator rheostat knob slowly in a
clockwise direction to raise the voltage, while watching
the voltmeter, until the desired voltage is attained.
5. If the generator set is equipped with synchronizing
lamps, place the lamp switch in the off position.
4. If the generator set is equipped with a frequency
meter, adjust the engine speed with the vernier throttle
6. Turn the voltage regulator rheostat knob counter-
knob until the desired frequency is indicated on the
clockwise to its lower limit.
7. Make sure the power generator set has been cleared
5. Make sure all power lines are clear of personnel,
of all tools or other objects which might interfere with
then place the circuit breaker control in the on
its operation.
NOTE: Perform Step 5 only if the generator set
is not being paralleled with an existing power
source. If it is being paralleled with a power
If the generator set is located in a closed space, start
source already on the line, read and follow the
the ventilating fan or open the doors and windows, as
instructions under Paralleling before turning
weather permits, to supply ample air to the engine.
the circuit breaker control to the on position.
The engine may require the use of a cold weather
starting aid if the ambient temperature is below 40 F
(4 C). Refer to Cold Weather Starting Aids.
If the load conditions require an additional unit to be
placed on the line, the following instructions will apply
Press the throttle button and turn the throttle control
to power generator sets of equal capacity, with one
(Fig. 1) counterclockwise to a position midway
generator set in operation on the line.
between run and stop. Then press the starting switch
1. Prepare the generator set to be paralleled as
outlined under Preparation For Starting, Starting,
If the engine fails to start within 30 seconds, release
Running and Items 1 through 4 under Preparing
the starting switch and allow the starting motor to cool
Generator for Load.
a few minutes before trying again. If the engine fails
to start after four attempts, an inspection should be
2. Check the voltmeter (Fig. 1); the voltage must be
made to determine the cause.
the same as the line voltage. Adjust the voltage
regulator rheostat control if the voltages are not the
CAUTION: To prevent serious damage to the
starter, if the engine does not start, do not press
the starting switch again while the starting
3. Place the synchronizing lamp switch, of the
generator set to be paralleled, in the on position.
motor is rotating.
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