h. Sprinkler System. Drain the sprinkler system and leave the drain valves open. Make sure that the sprinkler tank
caps are tight and secure.
i. Rolls. Drain *the water ballast from the steering and compression rolls. Make sure that the drain plugs are tight
and secure.
225. Dead Storage
Refer to TM 5-9715.
226. Shipment
a. General. Information in this section is published for the guidance of personnel responsible for the packaging and
shipment of the road roller.
b. Domestic Shipment.
(1) Clean the exterior with cleaning solvent or other noninflammable cleaning fluid and wipe it dry. Spray or brush all
exterior surfaces with compound No. 858.
(2) Check all parts for tightness. Secure all connections. Check the unit for mechanical fitness.
(3) Drain the coolant from the cooling system and radiator. Leave the drain cocks open.
(4) Drain the sprinkler tank and steering and compression rolls.
(5) Drain the fuel tank.
(6) Seal the air cleaner, oil filler pipe, and exhaust pipe.
(7) Drain the lubricating oil.
(8) Close the side doors and fasten them securely.
(9) Tag the road roller, indicating that it is being shipped dry but with the batteries in place.
(10) Protect the road roller with a tarpaulin or cover.
(11) Block and secure the road roller in a carrier or railroad car as illustrated in figure 8. Block the steering roll on the
sides only. Do not block the steering roll in front and rear.
c. Export Shipping. See instructions in TB 5-9711-1.
227. General
When capture or the abandonment of the road roller to an enemy is imminent, the responsible unit commander makes
the decision either to destroy the unit or to render it inoperative. Based on this decision, orders are issued which cover the
desired extent of destruction. Whatever method of demolition is employed, it is essential to destroy the same vital parts of
all road roller and all corresponding repair parts.