(2) Inspect the lever pins for wear, twisting, corrosion, and damage. Replace all defective pins. Discard used
cotter pins and install new ones when reassembling the adjusting yoke or cone collar.
(3) Inspect all machined surfaces for breaks, cuts, cracks, and pitting. Replace all defective parts.
(4) Check the hub and back plate for damaged, corroded, or worn threads and teeth. Replace the hub and
back plate if the threads or teeth are broken off, chipped, or worn.
(5) Inspect all mounting and assembly screws for damaged, corroded, worn, twisted, or stripped threads.
Replace all defective screws, nuts, and washers.
(6) Inspect the release springs for twisting, warpage, breaks, corrosion, and metal fatigue. Replace all
damaged or worn release springs.
f. Reassembly.
Assemble the rollers (10), lever springs (11), and levers (9) on the adjusting yoke (13).
Install the lever pins (8) and secure them with new cotter pins (12).
Assemble the cone ring (14) and cone sleeve (15).
Install the adjusting lock pin (5) and spring (7).
g. Installation.
Press the hub and back plate (29) on the shaft.
Install and tighten the setscrew (28). Secure the setscrew with the lock screw (27).
Install the driving plates (1) and the center plate (2).
Install the release springs (3) and floating plate (4). Make sure that the release springs are seated properly
between the plates.
Install the roller disk (6).
Install the adjusting yoke (13) and turn it clockwise as far as it will go. Do not tighten the yoke.
Transmission Case
a. Removal.
Check to see that all leads and linkages are disconnected.