d. During-Operation Services. The operator is responsible for correcting or reporting unusual sounds or odors,
deficiencies in performance, or other signs of abnormal operation.
(1) Instruments. Check all gage readings frequently. At normal operating speeds, temperature, and load,
readings should be as follows:
Engine oil pressure......................................................................... 20 to 50 psi.
Coolant temperatures ..................................................................... 160 to 180 F.
Battery-charging ammeter .............................................................. In charge range.
(2) Unusual operation. Check for unusual operation such as clutch or brakes slipping, steering faulty, gear
shifting hard or impossible. Report any irregularity immediately to the proper authority.
(3) Unusual noises. Check for abnormal noises, especially from the engine and transmission. If any are noted,
stop operation and report to the proper authority.
e. At-Halt Service. During halts, even if only for short periods, the operator should make a general check of the
equipment and correct or report any deficiencies noted, in addition to performing the following specific duties:
(1) Fuel. Check fuel supply. Add fuel if necessary.
(2) Oil. Check oil in crankcase. Add oil if necessary. Check oil supply in hydraulic tank and add if necessary.
(3) Water. Check coolant level and add if necessary. Check water level in sprinkler tank if sprinkler system is
being used. Check roll ballast water level.
Caution: If the engine overheats because of lack of coolant, allow it to cool before filling the
radiator. Otherwise, there is danger of cracking the cylinder head and block. If it is necessary to
fill the radiator before the engine has cooled, be sure to fill it very slowly with the engine running
at fast idling speed.
(4) Leaks, general. Check for fuel, oil, and coolant leaks.
(5) Visual inspection. Make a visual inspection of the equipment checking for excessively worn, bent, cracked,
or broken parts, and loose or missing bolts and pins.
f. After-Operation Services. To insure that the equipment is ready to operate at any time, the operator must perform
the following services immediately after any operating period of 8 hours or less. All deficiencies must be corrected or
reported to the proper authority.
(1) Shutdown precautions. Move the equipment to an area where there is the least danger of its being
damaged. Park it on firm, level footing, especially if freezing temperatures are expected. Use blocks or
other suitable material at the