TM 5-3895-383-24
b. Installation.
Adhesives, solvents, and sealing compounds can burn easily, can give off harmful vapors,
and are harmful to skin and clothing. To avoid injury or death, keep away from open fire
and use in a well-ventilated area. If adhesive, solvent, or sealing compound gets on skin or
clothing, wash immediately with soap and water.
Apply sealing compound to threads of elbow (3) and adapter (7).
Install adapter (7) and elbow (5) in manifold (8).
Install seal (6) on hydraulic oil sampling valve (2).
When installing hydraulic oil sampling valve, position drain of valve down for ease in
sample collection.
Apply sealing compound to threads of hydraulic oil sampling valve (2) and install in elbow (5). Tighten locking nut (4).
Install hydraulic oil sampling valve drain cap (1) on hydraulic oil sampling valve (2).
Follow-on Maintenance:
· Fill hydraulic tank.
· Start engine (TM 5-3895-383-10) and
check for leaks.
· Remove chocks.