TM 5-3895-382-24
Steering Control Unit (SCU)
(1) Torque for setscrew (not shown) on
end of housing .......................................................11 1 Nm
(100 10 lb-in)
(2) Pin and the groove of the drive shaft must be aligned with
the root of the rotor.
Tighten bolts in sequence shown to an initial
torque of..................................................................................17 Nm
(150 lb-in)
Tighten bolts in sequence shown to a final
torque of ..........................................................................28 ± 3 Nm
(250 ± 25 lb-in)
If the steering control unit drive is not timed correctly, the
machine can turn in the opposite direction as the steering
wheel. To prevent personal injury, loss of life and/or
property damage, make sure the drive is timed correctly.
Steering Column Group
(1) Torque for steering wheel nut ..........................41 to 54 Nm
(30 to 40 lb-ft)
(2) Torque for steering control unit
mounting bolts .......................................................23 4 Nm
(17 3 lb-ft)