TM 5-3895-382-10
Operation In Extreme Dust. The Roller normally operates in dusty conditions and PMCS instructions are
designed to handle these conditions. However, in deserts, dust conditions are more extreme and certain checks
and services shall be made more often than normal.
(1) Check air restriction indicator more often to ensure air cleaner is not becoming clogged.
(2) Check and drain fuel/water separator.
(3) Closely monitor all gauges and warning lights to ensure Roller is not affected by dusty conditions.
(4) Park Roller in sheltered area out of wind. If a sheltered area is not available, park Roller facing into
wind to prevent dust from blowing into radiator and causing damage.
Blowing dust and sand can scratch glass surfaces. When the Roller is not being operated,
glass surfaces must be covered for protection.
(5) Cover instrument panel (with vandal guard down), air restriction indicator, hydraulic oil level
indicator, fuel tank fill cap, hydraulic oil tank fill cap, and worklights when Roller is parked for
extended periods of time in extremely dusty conditions.
(6) Cover exhaust outlet to prevent dust from blowing into exhaust system causing damage to
(7) Cover open space in fuel tank fill hole when adding diesel fuel or JP-8 to fuel tank.