CHAPTER 5. MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSSTEERING CONTROL UNIT (SCU) MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Steering Control Unit (SCU) Removal.STEERING CONTROL UNIT (SCU) MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 2. Steering Control Unit (SCU) Removal.Figure 4. Steering Control Unit (SCU) Disassembly.Figure 6. Steering Control Unit (SCU) Disassembly.Figure 8. Steering Control Unit (SCU) Disassembly.Figure 10. Steering Control Unit (SCU) Assembly.Figure 11. Steering Control Unit (SCU) Assembly.Figure 13. Steering Control Unit (SCU) Assembly.Figure 14. Steering Control Unit (SCU) Assembly.Figure 16. Steering Control Unit (SCU) Assembly.Figure 17. Steering Control Unit (SCU) InstallationSTEERING CONTROL UNIT (SCU) MAINTENANCE - ContinuedPOWER STEERING PUMP REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Power Steering Pump Removal.Figure 4. Power Steering Pump Removal.Figure 6. Power Steering Pump Installation.POWER STEERING PUMP REPLACEMENT - ContinuedSTEERING HOSES, LINES, AND FITTINGS REPLACEMENTSTEERING HOSES, LINES, AND FITTINGS REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Steering Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Removal.Figure 2. Steering Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Removal.Figure 3. Steering Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Installation.Figure 4. Steering Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Installation.STEERING HOSES, LINES, AND FITTINGS REPLACEMENT - ContinuedHYDRAULIC STEERING CYLINDERS REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Hydraulic Steering Cylinders Removal.Figure 2. Hydraulic Steering Cylinders RemovalFigure 3. Hydraulic Steering Cylinders InstallationFigure 4. Hydraulic Steering Cylinders Installation.STEERING CYLINDER REPAIRFigure 1. Steering Cylinder Disassembly.Figure 2. Steering Cylinder Assembly.STEERING CYLINDER REPAIR - ContinuedSTEERING PIVOT REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Steering Pivot RemovalFigure 2. Steering Pivot RemovalFigure 4. Steering Pivot RemovalFigure 5. Steering Pivot RemovalFigure 6. Steering Pivot Installation.Figure 7. Steering Pivot InstallationFigure 9. Steering Pivot Installation.YOKE REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Yoke Removal.Figure 3. Yoke Removal.Figure 5. Yoke Removal.Figure 7. Yoke InstallationFigure 8. Yoke InstallationFigure 9. Yoke InstallationCHECK VERTICAL STEER PIVOT CLEARANCEFigure 12. Vertical Steer Pivot Clearance Check.Figure 13. Horizontal Steer Pivot Clearance Check.Figure 14. Oscillation Bearing Clearance Check.FRONT AND REAR SUPPORTS (BUMPERS) REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Front and Rear Support (Bumpers) Removal.Figure 2. Front and Rear Support (Bumpers) Installation.FRONT AND REAR SUPPORTS (BUMPERS) REPLACEMENT - ContinuedDECONTAMINATION KIT BRACKET REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Decontamination Kit Bracket Removal.Figure 2. Decontamination Kit Bracket Installation.DOOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Door Assembly Removal.Figure 2. Door Assembly RemovalFigure 3. Door Assembly Disassembly.Figure 4. Door Assembly Disassembly.Figure 6. Door Assembly.Figure 8. Door AssemblyFigure 9. Door Assembly Installation.Figure 10. Door Assembly Installation.LEFT AND RIGHT-SIDE HANDRAIL ASSEMBLIES REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Left and Right-side Handrail Assemblies RemovalFigure 2. Left and Right-side Handrail Assemblies InstallationLEFT AND RIGHT-SIDE HANDRAIL ASSEMBLIES REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFRONT HANDRAIL ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Front Handrail Assembly RemovalFigure 2. Front Handrail Assembly Installation.ROLLOVER PROTECTION STRUCTURE (ROPS) ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Rollover Protection Structure (ROPS) Assembly RemovalFigure 2. Rollover Protection Structure (ROPS) Assembly RemovalFigure 3. Rollover Protection Structure (ROPS) Assembly InstallationFigure 4. Rollover Protection Structure (ROPS) Assembly Installation.RAISE/LOWER OPERATOR PLATFORM ASSEMBLYFigure 1. Raise Operator Platform AssemblyFigure 2. Raise Operator Platform AssemblyRAISE PLATFORM - ContinuedFigure 3. Raise Operator Platform AssemblyLOWER PLATFORMFigure 6. Lower Operator Platform AssemblyRAISE/LOWER OPERATOR PLATFORM ASSEMBLY - ContinuedOPERATOR PLATFORM AND OPERATOR STATION REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Operator Platform and Operator Station RemovalFigure 2. Operator Platform and Operator Station Removal.Figure 4. Operator Platform and Operator Station RemovalFigure 6. Operator Platform and Operator Station Removal.Figure 8. Operator Platform and Operator Station RemovalFigure 10. Operator Platform and Operator Station Removal.Figure 11. Operator Platform and Operator Station Removal.Figure 12. Operator Platform and Operator Station Installation.Figure 14. Operator Platform and Operator Station InstallationFigure 16. Operator Platform and Operator Station Installation.Figure 18. Operator Platform and Operator Station InstallationFigure 20. Operator Platform and Operator Station Installation.OPERATOR PLATFORM AND OPERATOR STATION REPLACEMENT - ContinuedROTATE LOCK REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Rotate Lock InstallationOPERATOR PLATFORM MOUNT REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Operator Platform Mount Removal.VANDAL GUARD REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Vandal Guard Installation.SEAT BELT AND LANYARD REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Seat Belt and Lanyard RemovalFigure 2. Seat Belt and Lanyard RemovalFigure 4. Seat Belt and Lanyard Installation.Figure 5. Seat Belt and Lanyard InstallationFigure 7. Seat Belt and Lanyard Installation.SEAT ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Seat Assembly Installation.SEAT ASSEMBLY REPAIRFigure 2. Seat Assembly Disassembly.Figure 3. Seat Assembly Disassembly.Figure 5. Seat Assembly Assembly.Figure 6. Seat Assembly AssemblySEAT SUSPENSION REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Seat Suspension InstallationSEAT SUSPENSION REPAIRFigure 2. Seat Suspension Disassembly.Figure 3. Seat Suspension Disassembly.Figure 5. Seat Suspension Disassembly.Figure 6. Seat Suspension Disassembly.Figure 8. Seat Suspension Disassembly.Figure 9. Seat Suspension Disassembly.Figure 10. Seat Suspension Disassembly.Figure 11. Seat Suspension Disassembly.Figure 13. Seat Suspension Disassembly.Figure 15. Seat Suspension AssemblyFigure 16. Seat Suspension AssemblyFigure 18. Seat Suspension AssemblyFigure 19. Seat Suspension AssemblyFigure 21. Seat Suspension AssemblyFigure 22. Seat Suspension AssemblyFigure 23. Seat Suspension AssemblyFigure 24. Seat Suspension AssemblyFigure 25. Seat Suspension AssemblyFigure 27. Seat Suspension AssemblySEAT SUSPENSION REPAIR - ContinuedTOOLBOX REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Toolbox Installation.RIFLE MOUNTING BRACKET REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Rifle Mounting Bracket InstallationENGINE BLOCK HEATING ELEMENT REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Engine Block Heating Element Removal.Figure 2. Engine Block Heating Element RemovalFigure 4. Engine Block Heating Element Installation.Figure 6. Engine Block Heating Element Installation.VEHICLE CLASSIFICATION SIGN KIT REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Vehicle Classification Sign Kit Installation.DATA PLATE AND DECAL REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Data Plate Removal.Figure 2. Data Plate InstallationFigure 4. Decal Installation.HYDRAULIC VIBRATORY TESTSFigure 1. Hydraulic Vibratory Adjustment.Figure 2. Hydraulic Vibratory Adjustment.Figure 3. Hydraulic Vibratory Test.HYDRAULIC VIBRATORY TESTS - ContinuedVIBRATORY CONTROL SOLENOID REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Vibratory Control Solenoid RemovalFigure 2. Vibratory Control Solenoid InstallationVIBRATORY MOTOR REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Vibratory Motor RemovalFigure 2. Vibratory Motor Removal.Figure 3. Vibratory Motor InstallationFigure 4. Vibratory Motor Installation.VIBRATORY COOLING/CONTROL VALVE REPAIRFigure 1. Vibratory Cooling/Control Valve RemovalFigure 2. Vibratory Cooling/Control Valve Removal.Figure 4. Vibratory Cooling/Control Valve Assembly.VIBRATORY COOLING/CONTROL VALVE REPLACEMENTVIBRATORY COOLING/CONTROL VALVE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Vibratory Cooling/Control Valve Removal.Figure 2. Vibratory Cooling/Control Valve Installation.VIBRATORY COOLING/CONTROL VALVE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedHYDRAULIC OIL SAMPLING VALVE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Hydraulic Oil Sampling Valve Removal.Figure 2. Hydraulic Oil Sampling Valve Removal.Figure 4. Hydraulic Oil Sampling Valve Installation.HYDRAULIC OIL SAMPLINGHYDRAULIC OIL SAMPLING - ContinuedFigure 1. Hydraulic Oil SamplingHYDRAULIC OIL FILTER REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Hydraulic Oil Filter Removal.Figure 2. Hydraulic Oil Filter Installation.HYDRAULIC OIL FILTER REPLACEMENT - ContinuedHYDRAULIC FILTER ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Hydraulic Filter Assembly Removal.Figure 2. Hydraulic Filter Assembly Removal.Figure 4. Hydraulic Filter Assembly Installation.Figure 5. Hydraulic Filter Assembly InstallationHYDRAULIC FILTER ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - ContinuedHYDRAULIC HOSES, LINES, AND FITTINGS REPLACEMENTHYDRAULIC HOSES, LINES, AND FITTINGS REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Hydraulic Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Removal.HYDRAULIC HOSES, LINES, AND FITTINGS REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 2. Hydraulic Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Installation.HYDRAULIC OIL COOLER AND FAN SHROUD REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Hydraulic Oil Cooler and Fan Shroud Removal.Figure 2. Hydraulic Oil Cooler and Fan Shroud Removal.Figure 4. Hydraulic Oil Cooler and Fan Shroud Removal.Figure 5. Hydraulic Oil Cooler and Fan Shroud Removal.Figure 6. Hydraulic Oil Cooler and Fan Shroud Removal.Figure 8. Hydraulic Oil Cooler and Fan Shroud InstallationFigure 9. Hydraulic Oil Cooler and Fan Shroud InstallationFigure 11. Hydraulic Oil Cooler and Fan Shroud InstallationFigure 12. Hydraulic Oil Cooler and Fan Shroud InstallationHYDRAULIC OIL CAP ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEFigure 2. Hydraulic Oil Cap Disassembly.Figure 3. Hydraulic Oil Cap Assembly Cleaning and InspectionFigure 4. Hydraulic Oil Cap Assembly Cleaning and InspectionFigure 5. Hydraulic Oil Cap Assembly Installation.HYDRAULIC OIL CAP ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - ContinuedVIBRATORY BEARING RESERVOIR SERVICEFigure 2. Vibratory Bearing Reservoir Drain.Figure 3. Vibratory Bearing Reservoir FillDRUM SCRAPER REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Drum Scraper RemovalFigure 2. Drum Scraper RemovalFigure 4. Drum Scraper RemovalFigure 5. Drum Scraper InstallationFigure 7. Drum Scraper Installation.Figure 9. Drum Scraper InstallationFigure 10. Drum Scraper AdjustmentDRUM ASSEMBLY REPAIRDRUM DISASSEMBLYFigure 1. Drum DisassemblyDRUM DISASSEMBLY - ContinuedFigure 2. Drum Disassembly.Figure 3. Drum Disassembly.Figure 4. Drum Eccentric Disassembly.ECCENTRIC DISASSEMBLY - ContinuedFigure 5. Drum Eccentric Disassembly.ECCENTRIC DISASSEMBLY - ContinuedFigure 6. Drum Eccentric Disassembly.ECCENTRIC ASSEMBLYFigure 7. Drum Eccentric AssemblyECCENTRIC ASSEMBLY - ContinuedFigure 8. Drum Eccentric AssemblyDRUM ASSEMBLYFigure 9. Drum AssemblyDRUM ASSEMBLY - ContinuedFigure 10. Drum AssemblyFigure 11. Drum AssemblyDRUM ASSEMBLY REPAIR - ContinuedDRUM ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Drum Assembly Removal.Figure 2. Drum Assembly RemovalFigure 4. Drum Assembly Removal.Figure 5. Drum Assembly RemovalFigure 6. Drum Assembly Removal.Figure 7. Drum Assembly RemovalDRUM ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 8. Drum Assembly RemovalDRUM ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 10. Drum Assembly InstallationFigure 11. Drum Assembly Installation.Figure 12. Drum Assembly InstallationFigure 13. Drum Assembly Installation.Figure 15. Drum Assembly InstallationFigure 16. Drum Assembly Installation.RESILIENT DRUM MOUNTS REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Resilient Drum Mounts Removal.Figure 2. Resilient Drum Mounts Installation.WATER SPRAY PIPE ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Water Spray Pipe Assembly RemovalFigure 2. Water Spray Pipe Assembly Removal.Figure 4. Water Spray Pipe Disassembly.Figure 5. Water Spray Pipe AssemblyFigure 6. Water Spray Pipe Assembly Installation.Figure 8. Water Spray Pipe Assembly Installation.Figure 9. Water Spray Pipe Adjustment.Figure 10. Water Spray Pipe AdjustmentWATER LEVEL GAUGE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Water Level Gauge Removal.Figure 2. Water Level Gauge Installation.WATER TANK REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Water Tank Removal.Figure 2. Water Tank Removal.Figure 3. Water Tank Removal.Figure 4. Water Tank Removal.Figure 6. Water Tank Installation.Figure 8. Water Tank InstallationFigure 9. Water Tank Installation.Figure 10. Water Tank InstallationWATER SPRAY PUMP REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Water Spray Pump RemovalFigure 2. Water Spray Pump Removal.Figure 3. Water Spray Pump Installation.Figure 4. Water Spray Pump Installation.WATER SPRAY STRAINER ASSEMBLY REPAIRFigure 1. Water Spray Strainer Removal.WATER SPRAY PUMP REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 2. Water Spray Strainer Assembly.WATER SPRAY STRAINER ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Water Spray Strainer Removal.Figure 2. Water Spray Strainer RemovalFigure 3. Water Spray Strainer Disassembly.Figure 4. Water Spray Strainer AssemblyFigure 5. Water Spray Strainer InstallationFigure 6. Water Spray Strainer InstallationWATER SPRAY TUBES AND FITTINGS REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Water Spray Tubes and Fittings Replacement.Figure 2. Water Spray Tubes and Fittings Replacement.Table 1. Water Lines.Figure 4. Water Lines ReplacementWATER SPRAY TUBES AND FITTINGS REPLACEMENT - ContinuedWATER SPRAY CHECK VALVE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Water Spray Check Valve RemovalFigure 2. Water Spray Check Valve Removal.Figure 3. Water Spray Check Valve Installation.Figure 4. Water Spray Check Valve Installation.WATER SPRAY SCREEN ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE (CB534C)Figure 2. Water Spray Screen Assembly Removal.Figure 3. Water Spray Screen Assembly Installation.Figure 4. Water Spray Screen Assembly Installation.WATER TANK STRAINER ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Water Tank Strainer Assembly Removal.Figure 2. Water Tank Strainer Assembly InstallationWATER TANK STRAINER ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - ContinuedDRAIN COCK AND TEE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Drain Cock and Tee Removal.Figure 2. Drain Cock and Tee Removal.Figure 4. Drain Cock and Tee Removal.Figure 5. Drain Cock and Tee Installation.Figure 6. Drain Cock and Tee Installation.Figure 8. Drain Cock and Tee Installation.SIDE DRAIN COCK AND VALVE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Side Drain Cock and Valve RemovalFigure 2. Side Drain Cock and Valve Removal.Figure 3. Side Drain Cock and Valve Installation.Figure 4. Side Drain Cock and Valve InstallationGENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSGENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedGENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedGENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedGENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedGENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedLUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONSFLUID DISPOSALELECTRICAL GENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSMULTIMETER USAGE Figure 1. Electrical General Maintenance Instructions.Figure 2. Electrical General Maintenance Instructions.Figure 3. Electrical General Maintenance Instructions.Figure 4. Electrical General Maintenance Instructions.Figure 5. Electrical General Maintenance Instructions.PREPARATION FOR STORAGE AND SHIPMENTSTORAGE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedSTORAGE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedSTORAGE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedSTORAGE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedLUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONSTAGGING WIRES AND HOSES ILLUSTRATED LIST OF MANUFACTURED ITEMSFigure 1. Battery CableTable 2. Battery Cables and Components Table 3. Engine Wiring Harness Table 3. Engine Wiring Harness - Continued.Table 3. Engine Wiring Harness - Continued.Table 3. Engine Wiring Harness - Continued.Table 4. Main Wiring HarnessTable 4. Main Wiring Harness - Continued.Table 4. Main Wiring Harness - Continued.Table 4. Main Wiring Harness - Continued.Table 4. Main Wiring Harness - Continued.Table 4. Main Wiring Harness - Continued.Table 4. Main Wiring Harness - Continued.Table 4. Main Wiring Harness - Continued.Table 4. Main Wiring Harness - Continued.Table 4. Main Wiring Harness - Continued.Table 4. Main Wiring Harness - Continued.Table 4. Main Wiring Harness - Continued.Table 4. Main Wiring Harness - Continued.Table 5. Front Wiring Harness Table 6. Rear Wiring Harness Table 7. Harness Assembly Table 8. Instrument Wiring Harness Table 8. Instrument Wiring Harness - Continued.Table 8. Instrument Wiring Harness - Continued.Table 8. Instrument Wiring Harness - Continued.Table 8. Instrument Wiring Harness - Continued.Table 10. Rear Harness TubingGENERAL TORQUE LIMITSFigure 2. Thread Pitch GageFigure 3. Torque Correction FormulaGENERAL TORQUE VALUESMetric Bolt and Cap Screw Torque ValuesMetric Bolt and Cap Screw Torque Values - ContinuedAdditional Metric Screw Torque ValuesUnified Inch Bolt and Cap Screw Torque ValuesUnified Inch Bolt and Cap Screw Torque Values - ContinuedOutside Diameter and Inside Diameter Measurement for FittingsOutside Diameter and Inside Diameter Measurement for Fittings - ContinuedFigure 14. O-Ring Boss Straight and Adjustable Fittings.Table 7. Straight Fitting or Special Nut Torque Values*Table 9. O-Ring Boss Straight and Adjustable Fitting Stud End Nut Torque ValuesTable 10. O-Ring Boss Straight Nut Torque ValuesFigure 16. Tapered Thread.Figure 17. Flat Face O-Ring SealTable 12. Flat Face O-Ring Seal Fitting Torque Values*Table 13. Stud End O-Ring Seal Torque Values for Straight and Adjustable Fittings*Table 14. O-Ring Face Seal Fittings with SAE Inch Hex Nut and Stud End Torque Values.Table 15. O-Ring Face Seal Fittings with SAE Inch Hex Nut and Stud End Torque ValuesFigure 19. O-Ring Face Seal Fittings with Metric Hex Nut and Stud End for Standard PressureTable 16. O-Ring Face Seal Fittings with Metric Hex Nut and Stud End Torque Values - ContinuedTable 17. O-Ring Straight, Adjustable, and External Hex Plug with Metric Stud End Torque ValuesFigure 20. O-Ring Face Seal Fitting with Metric Hex Nut and Stud End for High-Pressure ServiceTable 18. O-Ring Face Seal Fittings with Metric Hex Nut and Stud End Torque Values.Table 19. O-Ring Straight, Adjustable, and External Hex Plug with Metric Stud End for High-Pressure Torque ValuesTable 19. O-Ring Straight, Adjustable, and External Hex Plug with Metric Stud End for High-Pressure Torque Values - ContinuedFigure 21. Metric Series Four Bolt Flange Fitting.Table 20. Metric Series Four Bolt Flange Fitting Torque ValuesFigure 22. Inch Series Four Bolt Flange FittingTable 21. Inch Series Four Bolt Flange Fitting Torque Values.Figure 23. Inch Series Four Bolt Flange Fitting for High-Pressure ServiceTable 22. Inch Series Four Bolt Flange Fitting for High-Pressure Service Torque Values - Continued.Table 23. Non-Restricted Banjo (Adjustable) Metric Fittings Torque Values.Table 24. Non-Restricted Banjo (Adjustable) Inch Fittings Torque ValuesFigure 25. Metric 24 Degree O-Ring Seal DIN 20078Table 25. Metric 24 Degree O-Ring Seal DIN 20078 Torque Values - Continued.CHAPTER 6. SUPPORTING INFORMATIONREFERENCESREFERENCES - ContinuedINTRODUCTION FOR STANDARD TWO-LEVEL MACMaintenance FunctionsMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC) INTRODUCTION - ContinuedMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC) INTRODUCTION - ContinuedTable 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) Summary.Table 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) Summary - ContinuedTable 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) Summary - ContinuedTable 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) Summary - ContinuedTable 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) Summary - ContinuedTable 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) Summary - ContinuedTable 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) Summary - ContinuedTable 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) Summary - ContinuedTable 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) Summary - ContinuedTable 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) Summary - ContinuedTable 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) Summary - ContinuedTable 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) Summary - ContinuedTable 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) Summary - ContinuedTable 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) Summary - ContinuedTable 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) Summary - ContinuedTable 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) Summary - ContinuedTable 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) Summary - ContinuedTable 2. MAC Tools.Table 2. MAC Tools - ContinuedTable 2. MAC Tools - ContinuedTable 3. Remarks for the CB534 RollerEXPENDABLE/DURABLE ITEMS LISTTable 1. Expendable/Durable Supplies and Materials ListTable 1. Expendable/Durable Supplies and Materials List - ContinuedTable 1. Expendable/Durable Supplies and Materials List - ContinuedTable 1. Expendable/Durable Supplies and Materials List - ContinuedTable 1. Expendable/Durable Supplies and Materials List - ContinuedTable 1. Expendable/Durable Supplies and Materials List - ContinuedTOOL IDENTIFICATION LISTTable 1. Tool Identification List - ContinuedTable 1. Tool Identification List - ContinuedTable 1. Tool Identification List - ContinuedMANDATORY REPLACEMENT PARTS LISTTable 1. MANDATORY REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST - ContinuedTable 1. MANDATORY REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST - ContinuedTable 1. MANDATORY REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST - ContinuedTable 1. MANDATORY REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST - ContinuedTable 1. MANDATORY REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST - ContinuedTable 1. MANDATORY REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST - ContinuedTable 1. MANDATORY REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST - ContinuedSCHEMATICSFigure 2. Electrical Schematic.Figure 3. Electrical Schematic.Figure 4. Electrical Schematic.Figure 5. Electrical Schematic.Figure 6. Electrical Schematic.Figure 7. Electrical Schematic.Figure 8. Electrical Schematic.Figure 9. Electrical Schematic.Figure 10. Electrical Schematic.Figure 11. Electrical Schematic.