298 Numbers - Any number with a "298" prefix is a purchased part. Similar to the old "X" number, i.e., X7769.
102 Numbers - Any number with a "102" prefix is a part made from a single piece of material or a purchase part made
especially for Rexnord Inc. Similar to the old series numbers without either a prefix or suffix letter.
402 Numbers - Any number with a "402" prefix is either a forging or a casting. Similar to the old series number with a
letter suffix, i.e., "86537Z".
502 Numbers - Any number with a "502" prefix is a weldment made from two or more pieces of material. Similar to the
old series number with a "A" prefix, i.e., A266607.
602 Numbers & Mat'l List - Any number with a "602" prefix is an assembly drawing. If the "602" number has a number
suffix, i.e., 602-2078-1 it is a material list and designates an assembly that can be taken apart. Similar to the old series
numbers with a "B" prefix, i.e., B266608.
702 Numbers & Mat'l List - Any number with a "702" prefix is a number used to collect a group of parts used in more than
one place. Similar to the old "C" number, i.e., C14407.
802 Number & Mat'l List - Any number with an "802" prefix is a number used for designating different units to make up a
particular machine. An "802" number is the only style number to appear on indexes. Similar to the old "E" numbers, i.e.,