TIRE PRESSURES - Check daily.
23.1 x 26 Diamond Tread - 15 PSI (SP848)
Before opening any portion of the hydraulic oil system -
namely removing the reservoir tank cover, filler cap or
disconnecting any hoses, it is extremely important that
the opening points and immediate areas around these
points be cleaned with a solvent and blown air dry.
Almost immediate component failure will result if for-
eign material is allowed to enter the system. Avoid
opening the hydraulic system in dust laden areas.
Do not open hydraulic lines or components that are
under pressure. Shut off engine and make sure engine
cannot be started.
Do not drain oil or open system if components are hot
to touch. Wait until oil cools.
Do not attempt to reclaim drained oil for reuse.
A. Changing Oil
1. Under normal preventative maintenance, the rec-
ommended oil change period is every 2000 running
At the time of changing oil under normal preventa-
tive maintenance (2000 hours), it is only neces-
sary to drain the oil from the reservoir, and this
also includes installing a new oil filter element
(10 micron). When adding clean oil to the reser-
voir, pour the oil thru a 75 micron filter or #200
mesh screen if a 10 micron system is not
Several brands of permanent antifreeze are available
2. A complete oil system change must be made if
with sealer additives. The specific type of sealers vary
the following has occurred. This also requires a
with the manufacturer. Antifreeze with sealer
new oil filter element (10 micron).
additives is not recommended for use in Detroit Diesel
a. Replacement of the hydraulic pump and/or
engines due to plugging problems throughout various
areas of the cooling system.
b. A blown hydraulic hose.
c. The filter (vacuum gauge) indicates in the
"red". This is an indication of a plugged
filter element.
d. The oil temperature gauge indicates in the
"red". Consult Trouble Shooting Chart.
Any time a complete oil system change is made,
install the new oil filter element first.