The cylinder head (Fig. I) is a one-piece casting. It may be removed from the engine as an assembly containing the cam
followers, cam follower guides, rocker arms, exhaust valves and injectors. The head is securely held to the top of the
cylinder block with bolts.
Located in the cylinder head are the exhaust valves, a fuel injector and three rocker arms for each cylinder. One rocker
arm operates the injector plunger; the other two operate the exhaust valves. The rocker arms are operated by a camshaft
through cam followers and push rods.
Exhaust valve inserts (valve seats), pressed into the cylinder head, permit accurate seating of the valves under varying
conditions of temperature and materially prolong the life of the cylinder head. The inserts are ground to very close limits
and their freedom from
Fig. 1 - Typical Four-Valve Cylinder Head Assembly
July, 1970
SEC. 1.2
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