(3) Remove the four screws (10) and lockwashers (11) attaching the steering lever and arm (12) and steering
arm (19) to the kingpin (6).
(4) Remove the steering lever and arm (12) and steering arm (19) from the kingpin (6).
(5) Remove the steering arm key (5).
(6) Cut the lockwire (18) and remove the bearing adjusting bolts (17).
(7) Turn the kingpin cap (16) counterclockwise and remove it from the road roller head.
(8) Insert a bar or shaft through the swivel pin opening in the kingpin (6) and support the kingpin weight with a
crane. Use fork truck, jacks, or suitable blocking if crane is not available.
(9) Use a wood block and sledge hammer to drive out the kingpin (6) from the road roller head. Pound the
kingpin from the top of the road roller until it slips out from the road roller head.
b. Disassembly.
(1) Use an arbor press to remove the upper dust collar (20), lower bearing (8), and lower dust collar (7) from
the kingpin (6).
(2) Lift out and remove the upper bearing dust collar (13) and upper bearing (15) from the road roller head.
(3) Drive out the bearing cups (9 and 14) from the road roller head.
(4) Remove the swivel pin spacers (21) from the kingpin (6).
(5) Remove the needle bearings (22) and bearing spacer (23) from the kingpin (6).
c. Cleaning. Wash all parts in cleaning solvent and dry them with clean compressed air. Use stiff brushes to remove
all dirt, dust, sludge, and old grease from the swivel pin mounting hole, steering arm mounting surfaces, and kingpin
keyway. Use wire brushes and cleaning solvent to remove all dirt, corrosion, and sludge from the threaded surfaces.
d. Inspection and Repair.
(1) Inspect the bearing cups and rollers for wear, cracks, scoring, and damage. Check the bearings for free
rotation. Replace all defective bearings.
(2) Inspect the swivel pin for breaks, cracks, wear, pitting, corrosion, and etching. Check the bolt groove in the
swivel pin for wear, broken or chipped edges, cracks, and breaks. If the swivel pin is defective, replace it.
(3) Inspect the kingpin for wear, cracks, corrosion, and damaged or twisted keyway. Replace the kingpin if it is