Figure 113. Checking closing voltage on cutout relay.
commutator segment touching and measure the gap. Adjust the air gap by loosening the contact mounting
screws and raising or lowering the contact bracket (1) until the proper gap is obtained. Be sure that the
points (2) are properly alined. Tighten the screws after adjustment.
(2) Voltage setting.
(a) Fixed resistance method. When checking the voltage setting by this method, a fixed resistance is
substituted for the external charging circuit. Disconnect the battery lead at the regulator and connect the
resistance between the regulator BAT terminal and ground. Connect a test voltmeter in parallel with the
fixed resistance. The resistance must be 21/4 ohms for 12-volt units and must be capable of carrying 10
amperes without any change of resistance with temperature changes. Note the voltage setting. The
allowable range is from 15.5 to 20.5 volts with the voltage regulator cover in place. To adjust the voltage
setting, turn the adjusting screw (15) clockwise to increase and counterclockwise to decrease the
voltage. Adjust the voltage setting to 16.5 volts. If the adjusting screw is turned clockwise beyond
normal adjustment range, the spring support may fail to return when pressure is relieved. If the support
does not return, turn the screw (15) counter-clockwise until sufficient clearance is obtained