(7) Inspect the throttle plate for burrs, cracks, warpage, or damaged edges. Replace the plate. if necessary.
Do not clean the plate with a buffing wheel or sharp instrument. Remove all rust and carbon with No. 00
(8) Inspect the pump for burrs, scratches, carbon, and rough edges. Check the fit of the pump in the cylinder.
If clearance between the pump and cylinder at the operating end exceeds 0.003 inch, the pump must be
(9) Replace the power jet valve.
(10) Replace all gaskets.
(11) Inspect the choke plate for twisting, burrs, broken or damaged edges, and wear. Replace if necessary.
(12) Inspect the choke and throttle shafts for wear and damage. If the shafts are bent, twisted, corroded, or
worn, replace them.
(13) Inspect the venturi tube, jets, and all threaded surfaces for wear and damage.
(14) Inspect all machined surfaces for cracks, breaks, etching, and corrosion. Replace all worn or damaged
d. Reassembly.
(1) Install the pump check valve (11, fig. 98) in the bottom of the fuel bowl (12). Make sure that the small
opening of the valve is up and that the valve is properly alined. Drive in the valve until it strikes bottom.
(2) Hold the fuel bowl (12) facing the air entrance with the machined surface up and install the thrust collar
(3) Install the choke shaft (22) in the fuel bowl. Rotate the shaft until the flat section of the shaft is facing down.
(4) Center the choke plate (24) in closed position and aline the mounting holes with the threaded holes in the
shaft (22). Install the choke plate screws (25) but do not tighten them.
(5) Tap the choke plate (24) lightly to center it and tighten the screws (25) firmly and evenly.
(6) Install the collar pin (1) and choke shaft pin (23).
(7) Install the choke bracket (21) and bracket clamp screw (12) on the choke shaft (22).
(8) Install the choke shaft driver (13), choke lever (15), and clamp screw (14).
(9) Check to see that the notch in the choke shaft driver (13) fits over the pin (23).
(10) Install the lever spring (19) on the shaft and enter the spring end into the hole on the choke shaft driver (13).
(11) Install the spring retainer (17) on the choke shaft (22) and insert the end of the spring (19) into the hole in
the spring retainer.