CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTIONSection II. DESCRIPTION AND DATAFigure 1. Road roller, right front view.Figure 2. Road roller, left rear view.Section II. DESCRIPTION AND DATA - ContinuedFigure 3. Engine, right front view.Figure 4. Engine, left rear view.Figure 5. Identification plates.Figure 5. Identification plates. - ContinuedDifferences in ModelsTabulated DataTabulated Data - ContinuedFigure 6. Road roller dimensions .CHAPTER 2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSSection I. SERVICE UPON RECEIPT OF EQUIPMENTFigure 8. Construction of improvised ramp.Figure 9. Construction of spanning platform.Section I. SERVICE UPON RECEIPT OF EQUIPMENT - ContinuedSection I. SERVICE UPON RECEIPT OF EQUIPMENT - ContinuedSection II. CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTSFigure 10. Road roller, top view.Figure 11. Instrument panelBattery Charging AmmeterSection III. OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONSFigure 12. Side view showing cranking handle.Operating DetailsOperating on Bituminous-Concrete and Sheet-Asphalt PavementsHandling on the Paving JobFigure 13. Fire extinguisher.Figure 14. Top of fire extinguisher.Section V. OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONSTable I. Guide for the Initial Preparation of Antifreeze SolutionsOperation Under Dusty or Sandy ConditionsOperation in Rain, Snow, or SleetOperation in Humid ClimatesCHAPTER 3 ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSFigure 15. Lubrication order-LO 5-1185.Figure 15. Lubrication order-LO 5-1185. - ContinuedFigure 15. Lubrication order-LO 5-1185. - ContinuedFigure 15. Lubrication order-LO 5-1185. - ContinuedFigure 15. Lubrication order-LO 5-1185. - ContinuedFigure 15. Lubrication order-LO 5-1185. - ContinuedFigure 15. Lubrication order-LO 5-1185. - ContinuedPaintingSection III. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE SERVICESOperator MaintenanceOperator Maintenance - ContinuedMaintenance and Safety PrecautionsOrganizational MaintenanceENGINE AND ACCESSORIESFUEL SYSTEMELECTRICAL SYSTEMFRAME AND MOUNTINGSDRIVE SYSTEMMISCELLANEOUS ITEMSSection IV. TROUBLESHOOTINGEngine Misses or Operates ErraticallyEngine Knocks or PingsEngine BackfiresEngine Lacks PowerMagneto Fails to SparkAmmeter Shows Discharge With Engine RunningSteering lever Fails to Move the Roller in Desired DirectionMaster Clutch Engagement Becomes RoughSprinkler Pedals FailSection V. RADIO SUPPRESSIONTesting Suppression SystemFigure 16. Suppression components.Section VI. FUEL SYSTEMFigure 17. Fuel system components.Figure 18. Fuel filter disassembled.Fuel LineAir CleanerFigure 19. Air cleaner disassembled.Figure 20. Carburetor removal.CarburetorFigure 21. Carburetor adjustment.Figure 22. Carburetor control rod adjustment.GovernorFigure 23. Governor mounting and adjustment points.Figure 24. Fuel tank disassembled.Fuel TankSection VII. ELECTRICAL SYSTEMFigure 25. Practical wiring diagram.Table III. Electrolyte Freezing PointsTable IV. Specific Gravity Temperature CorrectionsFigure 26. Batteries and cables.Battery GeneratorFigure 27. Generator, sectional view.Figure 28. Generator removal points.Battery Generator - ContinuedVoltage RegulatorFigure 29. Voltage regulator removal points.Figure 30. Starting motor, sectional view.Figure 31. Starting motor removal points.Figure 32. Magnetic switch, end and sectional view.MagnetoFigure 33. Magneto, sectional view.Figure 34. Magneto removal points.Magneto - ContinuedFigure 35. Magneto.Figure 36. Spark plug and cables disassembled.Spark PlugsTable V. Length of the Ignition and Shielded Cables.Instrument PanelFigure 37. Instrument panel, rear view.Instrument Panel - ContinuedFigure 38. Hourmeter removal points.Section VIII. ENGINE LUBRICATION SYSTEMFigure 39. Oil filter disassembled.Figure 39. Oil filter disassembled. - ContinuedOil LinesOil Pressure TransmitterFigure 40. Oil pan disassembled.Figure 40. Oil pan disassembled. - ContinuedOil PanFigure 41. Oil seal installation.Draining and Cleaning Cooling SystemRadiator (fig. 42)Figure 42. Radiator assembly, rear viewFigure 43. Radiator removal.Figure 44. Radiator disassembled.Radiator - ContinuedWater Pump and Fan (fig. 45)Figure 45. Water pump removal points.Section X. INTAKE AND EXHAUST SYSTEMFigure 46. Intake and exhaust manifolds disassembled.Intake and Exhaust Manifold (fig. 46)Exhaust Pipe and Muffler (fig. 47)Figure 47. Exhaust pipe and muffler disassembled.Section XI. CYLINDER HEAD AND VALVESCylinder Head (fig. 48)Figure 48. Cylinder head and engine block disassembled.Figure 49. Tightening cylinder head screws.Figure 50. Valve chamber cover and fuel pump cover disassembled.Figure 51. Valve-tappet clearance adjustment.Figure 52. Valve removal.Figure 53. Exhaust and intake valves and tappets disassembled.Figure 53. Exhaust and intake valves and tappets disassembled. - ContinuedValves and TappetsFigure 54. Compression testing.Section XII. MASTER, FORWARD AND REVERSE CLUTCHESMaster Clutch Linkage (fig. 57)Figure 55. Master clutch, sectional view.Figure 55. Master clutch, sectional view. - ContinuedFigure 56. Master clutch.Figure 57. Master clutch linkage disassembled.Figure 58. Forward and rever8e clutch, sectional view.Figure 59. Forward and reverse clutch linkage disassembled.Forward and Reverse ClutchesFigure 60. Clutch yoke and cone collar disassembled.Section XIII. TRANSMISSIONFirst Countershaft PinionFigure 61. Transmission, sectional for view.Figure 61. Transmission, sectional for view. - ContinuedFigure 62. Gear shifting linkage disassembled.Section XIV. BRAKING SYSTEMFigure 63. Brake linkage disassembled.Brake Linkage (fig. 63)Brake Linkage - ContinuedBrake Linkage - ContinuedFigure 64. Hydraulic pump drive.Hydraulic Pump (fig. 64)Figure 65. Hydraulic pump.Figure 66. Hydraulic steering cylinder mounting.Steering Cylinder Packing (fig. 67)Figure 67. Hydraulic steering cylinder.Figure 68. Hydraulic oil tank disassembled.Figure 68. Hydraulic oil tank disassembled. - ContinuedHydraulic Operating ValveFigure 69. Operating valve, sectional view.Figure 70. Regulator valve, sectional view.Section XVI. FRAME ASSEMBLYFigure 71. Road roller frame.Braces and BracketsFigure 72. Compression roll housing and doors disassembled.Figure 72. Compression roll housing and doors disassembled. - ContinuedCompression Roll HousingCompression Roll Housing - ContinuedOperator's Seat AssemblySteering Roll Housing Dust ShieldFigure 73. Operator's seat disassembled.Figure 73. Operator's seat disassembled. - ContinuedFigure 74. Top cover and operator's platform disassembled.Steering Roll Top CoverFigure 75. Steering roll scrapers disassembled.Figure 75. Steering roll scrapers disassembled. - ContinuedFigure 76. Compression roll scrapers disassembled.Figure 77. Engine cranking unit.Section XVIII. SPRINKLER SYSTEMSprinkler Tank and PipesFigure 78. Sprinkler and fuel tanks, bottom view.Figure 78. Sprinkler and fuel tanks, bottom view. - ContinuedFigure 79. Steering roll sprinkler mat disassembled.Steering Roll Sprinkler MatFigure 80. Compression roller sprinkler mat disassembled.Compression Roll Sprinkler MatCHAPTER 4 FIELD AND DEPOT MAINTENANCETable VI. Field and Depot Maintenance Tools and EquipmentFigure 81. Engine removal.Engine InstallationValve GuidesValve SeatsConnecting Rod and PistonConnecting Rod and Piston - ContinuedFigure 82. Crankshaft, piston, connecting rod, and flywheel disassembled.Figure 82. Crankshaft, piston, connecting rod, and flywheel disassembled. - ContinuedFigure 83. Connecting rod cap removal.Figure 84. Piston ring removal.Figure 85. Piston pin fitting.Connecting Rod and Piston - ContinuedFigure 86. Piston installation.Flywheel and Flywheel GearFigure 87. Checking connecting rod side clearance.Figure 88. Flywheel and flywheel gear.Crankshaft and BearingsFigure 89. Fan drive pulley removal.Figure 90. Crankshaft removal.Crankshaft and Bearings - ContinuedCrankshaft and Bearings - ContinuedFigure 91. Checking crankshaft end play.Cylinder BlockCamshaft and Cam GearFigure 92. Timing gear cover disassembled.Figure 93. Camshaft gear removal.Figure 94. Camshaft disassembled.Figure 94. Camshaft disassembled. - ContinuedCamshaft and Cam Gear - ContinuedFigure 95. Timing marks.Water Pump Assembly (fig. 96)Figure 96. Water pump disassembled.Radiator Assembly (fig. 44)Section V. FUEL SYSTEMFigure 97. Carburetor throttle disassembled.Figure 97. Carburetor throttle disassembled. - ContinuedFigure 98. Carburetor fuel bowl disassembled.Figure 98. Carburetor fuel bowl disassembled. - ContinuedFigure 99. Carburetor choke disassembled.Carburetor: Inspection and RepairCarburetor: ReassemblyCarburetor - ContinuedCarburetor - ContinuedGovernor (fig. 100)Figure 100. Governor disassembled.Figure 100. Governor disassembled. - ContinuedGovernor - ContinuedSection VI. ENGINE ELECTRICAL SYSTEMFigure 101. Magneto end cap disassembled.Figure 101. Magneto end cap disassembled. - ContinuedFigure 102. Magneto drive end frame disassembled.Figure 102. Magneto drive end frame disassembled. - ContinuedMagneto: Inspection and RepairMagneto: ReassemblyBattery Charging GeneratorBattery Charging Generator: Inspection and RepairFigure 103. Battery charging generator disassembled.Figure 103. Battery charging generator disassembled. - ContinuedFigure 104. Turning commutator down.Figure 105. Measuring commutator out of round.Figure 107. Samples of good and bad undercutting.Figure 109. Testing armature for grounds.Figure 110. Testing armature for short circuit on growler.Figure 111. Testing field windings for grounds.Battery Charging Generator - ContinuedVoltage RegulatorFigure 112. Voltage regulator.Figure 113. Checking closing voltage on cutout relay.Voltage Regulator - ContinuedStarting MotorFigure 114. Starting motor disassembled.Figure 114. Starting motor disassembled. - ContinuedStarting Motor - ContinuedStarting Motor - ContinuedFigure 115. Magnetic switch disassembled.Magnetic SwitchSection VII. ENGINE LUBRICATION SYSTEMOil PumpFigure 116. Oil pump disassembled.Figure 116. Oil pump disassembled. - ContinuedFigure 117. Oil pressure relief valve disassembled.Master ClutchFigure 118. Master clutch disassembled.Figure 118. Master clutch disassembled. - ContinuedMaster Clutch - ContinuedForward and Reverse ClutchFigure 119. Forward and reverse clutch disassembled.Figure 119. Forward and reverse clutch disassembled. - ContinuedTransmission CaseFigure 120. Transmission and first countershaft.Transmission Case - ContinuedTransmission CoverFigure 121. Gear shift fork disassembled.'Microsoft Word - 33479.doc' by LOGSA - Page 306 of 449Gearshift ForkForward and Reverse Clutch ShaftFigure 122. Forward and reverse clutch shaft disassembled.Figure 122. Forward and reverse clutch shaft disassembled. - ContinuedForward and Reverse Clutch Shaft - ContinuedForward and Reverse Clutch Shaft - ContinuedFirst Countershaft Bearing TubeFigure 123. First countershaft bearing tube disassembled.First Countershaft Bearing Tube - ContinuedFirst CountershaftFigure 124. First countershaft disassembled.Figure 124. First countershaft disassembled. - ContinuedFirst Countershaft - ContinuedMaster Clutch ShaftFigure 125. Master clutch shaft disassembled.Figure 125. Master clutch shaft disassembled. - ContinuedMaster Clutch Shaft - ContinuedSecond Countershaft and BrakeFigure 126. First and second countershaft mounting.Figure 126. First and second countershaft mounting. - ContinuedFigure 127. Second countershaft and brake disassembled.Second Countershaft and Brake - ContinuedSection IX. STEERING SYSTEMHydraulic PumpFigure 128. Hydraulic pump disassembled.Figure 128. Hydraulic pump disassembled. - ContinuedHydraulic Pump - ContinuedHydraulic Steering CylinderFigure 129. Hydraulic steering cylinder disassembled.Figure 129. Hydraulic steering cylinder disassembled. - ContinuedHydraulic Steering Cylinder - ContinuedHydraulic Operating ValveFigure 130. Hydraulic operating valve disassembled.Figure 130. Hydraulic operating valve disassembled. - ContinuedHydraulic Operating Valve - ContinuedHydraulic Operating Valve - ContinuedSteering Yoke and RollKingpiKingpin: RemovalFigure 131. Steering yoke and kingpin mounting.Figure 131. Steering yoke and kingpin mounting. - ContinuedFigure 132. Kingpin disassembled.Figure 132. Kingpin disassembled.Kingpin: Inspection and RepairSection X. FRAME ASSEMBLYSection XI. ROLLSSteering RollFigure 133. Steering roll axle shaft disassembled.Compression RollFigure 134. Compression roll mounting.Figure 134. Compression roll mounting. - ContinuedCompression Roll - ContinuedCompression Roll - ContinuedFigure 135. Compression roll axle shaft disassembled.Figure 135. Compression roll axle shaft disassembled. - ContinuedSection XII. ENGINEERING DATASection XII. ENGINEERING DATA - ContinuedSection XII. ENGINEERING DATA - ContinuedSection XII. ENGINEERING DATA - ContinuedSection XII. ENGINEERING DATA - ContinuedSection XII. ENGINEERING DATA - ContinuedSection XII. ENGINEERING DATA - ContinuedSection XII. ENGINEERING DATA - ContinuedSection XII. ENGINEERING DATA - ContinuedSection XII. ENGINEERING DATA - ContinuedCHAPTER 5 SHIPMENT, LIMITED STORAGE, AND DEMOLITION TO PREVENT ENEMY USESection II. DEMOLITION OF THE ROAD ROLLER TO PREVENT ENEMY USEPreferred Demolition MethodsFigure 136. Placement of charges.Other Demolition MethodsREFERENCESIDENTIFICATION OF REPLACEABLE PARTSSection I. STANDARD HARDWARESection I. STANDARD HARDWARE - ContinuedSection I. STANDARD HARDWARE - ContinuedSection I. STANDARD HARDWARE - ContinuedSection I. STANDARD HARDWARE - ContinuedSection I. STANDARD HARDWARE - ContinuedSection I. STANDARD HARDWARE - ContinuedSection I. STANDARD HARDWARE - ContinuedSection I. STANDARD HARDWARE - ContinuedSection I. STANDARD HARDWARE - ContinuedSection I. STANDARD HARDWARE - ContinuedSection I. STANDARD HARDWARE - ContinuedSection I. STANDARD HARDWARE - ContinuedSection I. STANDARD HARDWARE - ContinuedSection II. REPLACEABLE PARTS LISTSection II. REPLACEABLE PARTS LIST - ContinuedSection II. REPLACEABLE PARTS LIST - ContinuedSection II. REPLACEABLE PARTS LIST - ContinuedSection II. REPLACEABLE PARTS LIST - ContinuedSection II. REPLACEABLE PARTS LIST - ContinuedSection II. REPLACEABLE PARTS LIST - ContinuedSection II. REPLACEABLE PARTS LIST - ContinuedSection II. REPLACEABLE PARTS LIST - ContinuedSection II. REPLACEABLE PARTS LIST - ContinuedSection II. REPLACEABLE PARTS LIST - ContinuedSection II. REPLACEABLE PARTS LIST - ContinuedSection II. REPLACEABLE PARTS LIST - ContinuedSection II. REPLACEABLE PARTS LIST - ContinuedSection II. 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REPLACEABLE PARTS LIST - ContinuedSection II. REPLACEABLE PARTS LIST - ContinuedSection II. REPLACEABLE PARTS LIST - ContinuedSection II. REPLACEABLE PARTS LIST - ContinuedSection II. REPLACEABLE PARTS LIST - ContinuedSection II. REPLACEABLE PARTS LIST - ContinuedSection II. REPLACEABLE PARTS LIST - ContinuedSection II. REPLACEABLE PARTS LIST - ContinuedFigure 137. On-equipment tools.ON-EQUIPMENT TOOLSON-EQUIPMENT TOOLS - ContinuedON-EQUIPMENT TOOLS - Continued