TM 5-3895-382-103-243-9. EMERGENCY PROCEDURESa.Emergency Shutdown.(1) Stop Roller by moving propel control lever to the neutral position.(2) Turn engine start switch lever (1) fully to the left. This will shut down power to all systems at once.b.Manual Release of Parking Brakes. The brakes of the Roller are automatically engaged when the propelcontrol lever is in the neutral position or the engine is not running. Contact Unit Maintenance to manuallyrelease brakes. Information about manual release of parking brakes is provided in Appendix E.3-10. SLAVE START ROLLERSlave Start Roller.Do not allow vehicles to touch while slave starting. Damage to vehicle electrical systems may result.NOTESlave starting is a two person task.(1) Start other vehicle which has a good charging system and battery (refer to other vehicle’s Operator’sManual).(2) Move other vehicle into position beside Roller so NATO slave receptacles on other vehicle and Rollerare side by side.(3) Shut OFF other vehicle (refer to other vehicle’s Operator’s Manual).
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